Popcash is an advertising service internet based, Popcash can make money by pairing pop-up ads on your blog or website, every visitor who pulled-click on blog / website will display a pop-up ads, the more visitors are pulled -Click blog / website the more money made.

How to sign up popcash :

1. Log Popcash website below, then skip the ad, REGISTRASI NOW

2. After Popcash page appears, click on the register,

3. After that input the identity of yourself properly, then click submit,

4. After you check your email on the identity of the earlier entries,

5. After that login with your username and password Popcash,

6. After logging in, you will enter the dashboard Popcash,

7. Select the menu and select menu website publisher,

8. Then select menu add a new website,

9. After the complete data content on your blog, and then click add website,

10. Wait for 24 hours, so that your blog is approved by Popcash,

11. After that, if approved, the dashboard menu publisher Popcash select menu, and select the menu get code,

12. After that copy the script provided by Popcash on our blog,

13. After you copy the script, go to your blog dashboard respectively, select menu templates,

14. Then select the edit menu html, then search the code </ head> manner
Ctrl + F,

15. Then paste script that you copy just above the </ head>,

16. Save, survived to make money from blogs.

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